Jr. Johnny’s “Bugs in my Beer”
(Select to hear a sound bite)
I’ve got mud in my water
I’ve got drugs in my tea,
I’ve got bricks in my pillow
Oh, I can’t see.
I’ve got bugs in my beer
And they keep biting me,
I’ve got spiders on the wall
Black snakes on the floor,
Oh I’m a hurting,
Can’t rest no more…
I’ve got grounds in my coffee
Bo weevil in my meal,
I’ve holes in my shoes
Tacks keep sticking in my heel,
Well, I feel like walking
And I feel like lying down,
Oh, I feel like drinking
But there ain’t no whiskey ’round…
Well I got mud in my water
Drugs in my tea
Bugs in my beer
Keep on biting me,
Well I feel like lying down
But there ain’t no whisky ’round…
When you hear that bell ringing
And you hear that whistle blow,
Oh, I feel like leaving
But I don’t have no place to go…
Go to Jr. Johnny’ WOW CD page.

- Jr. Johnny: harmonicas and vocals
- Stephen Minnich – Guitar
- Rick Finke – Guitars
- J.T. Burley – Bass
- Bjarne Kjaer – Drums
- Kenny Clark – Organ